There’s good news for everyone charging their phones in Europe. It looks like there’s a phone charging standard coming to all those European handset owners. The European Commission has received today confirmation for that micro-USB charging socket from the most important names in the mobile business. Nokia, Sony, Ericsson, Motorola, Apple, LG, NEC, Qualcomm, RIM, Samsung and Texas Instruments are all going to play ball and we should expect them to launch devices ready to be charged via a micro-USB charger sometime next year. On the long run the micro-UBS standard could be adopted by other markets too since CTIA, OMTP and the GSM Association also support it. Can’t wait for the day when I won’t hate myself for forgetting a certain phone charger! What are your thoughts on this?

via Yahoo

Tags: Apple, Apple, charging, ctia, Ericsson, European Commision, GSM Association, LG, LG, micro-USB, Motorola, Motorola, NEC, Nokia, Nokia, OMTP, qualcomm, Research In Motion, RIM, Samsung, Samsung, Sony, Sony, Sony Ericsson, Standard, Texas Instruments