Farm hacking: 7 amazing corn mazes

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


If there’s one thing we’ve got a LOT of here in America, it’s corn. In the past few years Corn Mazes have become a wildly popular fall activity for all ages. We’ve enjoyed many ourselves and part of what we like about them is that they’re a hack. Whether made by the farmer down the road or a professional company most now use GPS to ensure a fun, challenging, and cool looking corn maze.

We spoke with [Scott Skelly] who owns Corn Mazes America, read the interview after the break. Read the rest of this entry »

1 komentar:

kura October 1, 2009 at 8:15 AM  

Would have been more interesting to read that the laptop drove the mower, and how. Then again my guess the man isn’t going release too many details to potential competition. Tough it wouldn’t be very tough to figure out how to do this manually following a computer display or the display of a GPS unit that has a track entered into it. And to think in th old days they had to actually lay out the maize on the ground, plant trees and wait until the trees are tall enough to be effective. Today it can be done in one seasion, with a new maize maze every year.

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