Headpiece Jabbing for Smiles
Saturday, October 31, 2009
[Lauren] has created a facial conditioning device dubbed the Happiness Hat. The hat measures a sensor at the wearer’s cheek to determine if the wearer is smiling. When the hat does detects the wearer is not smiling, it activates a servo that prods the wearer. This project is fairly unique in that it provides haptic bio-feedback of what the body is doing, a similar project to the Happillow. While the Happiness Hat seems to work for treating the outward symptoms of unhappiness, this is but an early step towards the droud.
28 komentar:
Does this, I think the other Wireless Sensor Network application notes do this too.
Otherwise you can make use of the vPrintf function to output data to the UARTs, see the above application note for examples if you require them.
Well, that’s one way to get a workout (and practice your kicks (and have fun) at the same time).
But that’s not football, it’s soccer!
We Americas are the ones who’ve perverted the names of sports, not the other way around. I’m still astounded why football (the real kind) and rugby aren’t more popular here..
English band, they get to use the PROPER NAME : J
cos you’re too wimpy to play contact sports without wrapping yourself in padding first?
tipuan sarcastic
This looks like awesome fun!
and they even used an Arduino!
WTF are you talking about? I meant exactly the opposite (well, perhaps for the rest of the population, I can see your point).. though I don’t care much for contact sports. I prefer hanging off a cliff some 300′ off the ground ‘on the sharp end’..
so there encouraging people to fake a smile…
hmmm i think i may make one for a few people…
Her expression is priceless. it’s amazing how you can tell when someone has a forced smile.
Stimpy allready did this back in 1992.
Happy Happy Joy Joy
Happy Happy Joy Joy
Happy Happy Joy Joy
Happy Happy Joy Joy Joy.
If there ever is a new contest for the most useless device I put my money on the “happiness hat”…
That’s the same smile everyone gives me :(.
That spike in the last picture is horrifying.
Design looks creepy. It kinda make me realize “No pain, no gain” haha. I would design something which tickles your neck.
wait i got it. its to make the people around the wearer smile when they see that face lol
It might make you smile… won’t make you happy. Maybe a tazer happy hat would have a lobotomizing effect that would make you happy… sort of like Stimpy.
that hat needs to be destroyed right now. lest the design be intercepted and reproduced by retail stores like gamestop and apple that will force their miserable employees to wear them.
EVIL! I enjoy being grumpy dammit!
If you smile a lot, your brain will think you are happy. It will release more endorphins. And you will feel happier.
I am getting some serious dystopia vibes here lol. Funny and creepy at the same time.
Forced smile is worst than natural frown IMHO. I still like the idea though. Lauren’s expression was priceless when she forced a smile. It looks like this thing really hurts.
Walmart has ordered 100000 of them for their greeters.
The Mind Snatchers, here we come!
Also… does this remind you of what the Assimilation Programs conducted by the US over Native People of the US area? Boarding schools…?
Anyway… creepy shit, man.
She’ll make a fortune selling them to the Japanese. There ALL workers must be happy ALL the time or ELSE (else like they get sent to happiness training school – not kidding).
not too smart
i thiunk not
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