libTISCH 1.0 released

Saturday, October 31, 2009


[Florian] is proud to announce libTISCH 1.0 is finally ready for release. We told you about libTISCH just under a year ago and how it is a multitouch framework that factors more on the software side of things, instead of hardware for multitouch interfaces. A lot has changed including more widgets, more gestures, more hardware support, and some other nice features. If you’re looking into making your own multitouch surface, or making your own widgets for a multitouch surface – libTISCH would be a great place to start.

2 komentar:

white pop,  November 1, 2009 at 7:03 PM  

To eliminate the gray area of what your employees should and should not trust, know your web defense. This short paper provides a Top 10 list of risks that your employees may assume they can trust but your web defense should not.

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