Google Sync updated to support Gmail

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Currently, Google Sync is only able to keep your Calender and Contacts updated, effectively leaving Gmail in the dark. Luckily, it was recently announced that the service will now allow for Gmail syncing as well, if you have an iPhone or Windows Mobile handset, that is.

To read more about the update including how you can activate Gmail syncing, head here.

1 komentar:

gil September 28, 2009 at 8:58 PM  

Reminds me of Google Talk on Android, except that all Android users have it automatically set up by default without downloading an app and it can also communicate with people who use Google Talk on other devices.

I guess most people are probably more likely to know iPhone owners than Android owners, but I'm in the unique position where 8 out of my 10 most frequently communicated with friends all have Android so it works out pretty conveniently.

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